Douglas Moulden

Mixed Media Painter/Sculptor
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  • Born in Washington D.C. Douglas Moulden a sculptural wall artist now based in Frederick. He has a Bachelor of Fine Art in sculpture from Virginia Commonwealth University.

    Moulden’s landscape paintings are as much sculpture as they are flat imagery. He creates his work from plywood - to offer more structure - and builds up textural layers on his work with acrylic, modeling paste and glued items. The end result is a heavy, rich surface that resembles vines, tree bark, woven fabric, rock or other surfaces. Texture and surface as well as a shape to the β€˜canvas’ lend sculptural qualities to his paintings.

    Moulden has exhibited his work extensively in group and one-man shows throughout Maryland and Virginia and also New York.


River at Night
Acrylic on wood | 54” x 48” x 4”
$4,800 | πŸ’¬ Inquire

Wood, acrylic, mixed media on wood
38” x 76” x 4”
$5,800 | SOLD

Tree of Heaven
Wood, acrylic, mixed media on panel
46” x 30”
$6,400 | πŸ’¬ Inquire

Soy Beans
Mixed media on panel
31” x 60”
$7,000 | SOLD

Grape Hyacinths
Mixed media on panel | 38” x 30”
$4,400 | πŸ’¬ Inquire

Abstraction 1
Acrylic on wood
40” x 36” x 4” | SOLD

Abstraction 2
Acrylic on wood
40” x 36” x 4” | SOLD

Abstraction 3
Acrylic on wood
40” x 36” x 4”
$2,400 | πŸ’¬ Inquire

Calvert Cliffs
Mixed media on panel | 46” x 26”
$5,000 | SOLD

Smoke and Mist
Mixed media on panel | 42” x 26”
$4,200 | SOLD

Acrylic on wood
42” x 42” | SOLD

Sticks and Stones
Wood, acrylic, mixed media on panel
40” x 41” x 4”
$9,000 | SOLD

Mixed media on panel | 29” x 36”
$4,000 | πŸ’¬ Inquire

Wood and acrylic on panel | 60” x 60”

Devil’s Garden
Wood, modeling paste, acrylic on panel
60” x 42” x 3”
$7,000 | πŸ’¬ Inquire

Into the Ocean
Wood, acrylic on panel
60” x 40” x 4”
$6,250 | SOLD